Tim is committed to creating a street-style brand with an emphasis on detail and uniqueness in his designs. One of the signature features of the brand is its exquisite accessory design, especially in the zippers, buttons, tags and other accessories, Tim wanted to reflect the brand’s personality and uniqueness. However, many factories are unable to provide him with customized accessories, and cannot meet his high standards of personalization and quality.
After many searches, Tim found us, we not only provide high quality clothing, but also can customize his own accessories for him. Tim had in-depth communication with the factory team and put forward high requirements for auxiliary materials.
We have carefully customized various accessories according to Tim ‘s needs. In particular, the design of zippers and buttons, through exquisite craftsmanship and high-quality materials, perfectly presents the brand’s eclectic personality. The engraving process of the tag has also been a perfect reflection of the brand image.
After the new series was released, consumers were full of praise, and the unique design of accessories not only enhanced the overall texture of the clothing, but also made Tim’s brand more recognizable in the market.

Tim said: “Custom accessories help us achieve brand differentiation, the perfect presentation of details to make our products more unique charm.”